Tag Archives: how to loose weight

Leptin The Weight Loss Hormone

This last week I spent a lot of time learning and researching the most effective way to lose weight.  I found all kinds of fad diets, programs and concepts that lead no where. I have many friends that have not benefited from cardiovascular exercises, weight training, diet, etc.  I couldn’t figure it out, all that worked for me just fine and I’m 54 years old.  I also looked at all the research conducted my many universities regarding the physiology of weight gain and health research organizations that revealed a very interesting fact as to why some gain weight more than others.  Yes! diet plays a very important roll in the matter.  You see the myth is if you cut back calories you loose weight.  Well here is the fact and much research is available on Google for you to read about proper weight loss, but the fact is that your body will go into starvation mode.  That’s right you are going to store up fat instead of loosing fat.  You see your body detects the loss of nutrition, therefore it will store fat to prevent from starving and the cycle begins. What we eat plays a big factor in the matter, GMO grown produce will affect your fat storing process as well.  Foods like Corn, soy bean, soy products are highly genetically modified.  GMO Soy Bean & Process Food
So, HOW do you loose weight? Here is the reason we loss weight.  There is a hormone that your body produces called Leptin.  That’s right, Leptin is the reason we loose weight and the cool thing is that women can loose fat twice as fast a man can.  Especially in the vital areas that women want to loose that cottage cheesy fatty stuff you know where.

Loose fat in the vital areas.

Loose fat in the vital areas.

Man can greatly benefit from properly controlling their Leptin levels as well.

There is something that you must know about the hormone Leptin, you can activate the hormone to work properly for you. It’s easy with the program that we discovered, the chances are if you haven’t been able to loose the pounds you are Leptin resistant.  Great news for women, a woman can burn fat twice as fast as men, but they can also store fat twice as fast because of the improper foods and wrong exercises. All the research that we have read has indicated that eating organic foods, no-processed foods, nuts, avocados, black been can help your Leptin production increase.  Here’s a cool discovery, if you eat a high carbohydrate diet for a day or two you can help you’re body increase your Leptin levels (How cool is that).  I bet you didn’t know that.

Well all my research opened a can of worms that you can’t imagine.  I started all this to help my wife and of course myself.  I found tons of programs, pills and they all claim to have the answer to help you level out your leptin hormone. So, once I discovered the problem I focused on the solution. I looked to the experts for advice and finally after hours and hours of research found the program that addressed all the factors that I learned about.  Again and again I run into family and friends with weight issues, they all need help!  For this reason I am publishing my discoveries in the hopes to help others loose their weight.

So, here is the program that we are using ourselves.  We took advantage of this program and I hope that you will too.  The program is complete, but I would recommend that you take advantage of the other offers, start fresh!  Again, take a look at it, it might be for you!  Click here to watch the entire program and the special offer.  Time is limited, the special offer wont be there for long.