Tag Archives: FTA LNBF

High Gain FTA LNBF’s

Technology is rapidly changing now days and in the communications department faster than ever here in North America.  I especially like to see the changes that have taken place with LNBF’s (Low Noise Block down-converter with integrated feed) What does an LNBF do? Well it amplifies received signals and converts them from microwaves to lower L-band frequency signals which are then sent along a the coax cable to the satellite TV receiver. An LNB can be either single or double or even have 4 outputs.   Example if you decide that you want two TV’s with a satellite receiver a double LNB is required allowing the viewing of different channels on other televisions.  As a provider of Free To Air satellite equipment to installers, hobbyists and professional satellite providers we are constantly looking for better equipment.  Things that we look for are of course quality, performance and WARRANTY.  I judge a company by two things, service and warranty.  If the quality is there then I have a good match for providing my customers with the same.

I am going to introduce to you the Standard ESX-521 LNBF great for KU band and FTA satellite dishes.

The ESX-521 LNBF is HD ready and packs a gain of 70 db’s of gain and low noise of .2 db’s, well take a look at the specs.

High Gain LNBF

To purchase your ESX-521 LNBF please visit our website at: http://www.idealsatelliteservices.com/products.html#lnbf