Satellite Networks on the Move!

What is all the confusion about? Well, for example 3abn and LLBN are moving from AMC-4 at 101.0°W to G-19 at 97°W and the single LNBF satellite dishes will need to be moved ever so slightly to the left of its present aim. This procedure might also require a very small adjustment in elevation on the dish itself. It will not be a dificult adjustment, however, I would recommend getting some help with this task.  The good news is that if you have a Glorystar Satellite TV system and one of the new Geosat Pro receivers, the headaches are over.  The Glorystar Satellite TV receivers (DSR100c and the 200c) have a feature in the menu called OTA.  You have to make sure that the feature is turned on to automatically update position.  That takes the worry out of reprogramming your receiver.  No worries if the OTA is not on auto update.  Just turn the feature on and hit update now.   I have this system myself, although my receiver is the DVR1100C with the Digital Video Recorder option.  The difference is that you can plug in a hard drive to the receiver and I can record my favorite speaker and shows to the hard drive to view later.

By the way, I have received many complaints about the Manhantan 1000 receivers and perhaps its time to update those old analog satellite receivers to a new DSR200c with the OTA feature, dont you think? Want more information on the 3abn move?  Visit Glorystar SatelliteTV at: By the way, you will find reprogramming information for most every receiver brand on the page that I have provided.

Keep checking back with me.  I will be keeping you up to date with anything new that happens on this topic.

Until later, have a blessed day.

What the video it will help you with the realignment:

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