Category Archives: Free to air equipment

Rating the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro

Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro is being used to train installers for about 4 months now with great success and not to mention how much the installers love its simplicity.  I’m very pleased with all the Lexium products so far.  I especially like the warranty (2 years) and the companies willingness to please.

We offer the  Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro on our website at very competitive prices and we have many satisfied customers using our meters. Here is an email from a satisfied customer:

To Ideal Satellite, I purchase the Fastalign 5110 from you guys, and I am very happy with my decision to purchase for you. By the way your video is awesome. I used your video to set up my meter and it made my Galaxy 19 install go very smoothly. Yes! the meter perform amazingly fast, I was amazed as to how fast I locked Galaxy 19 in. I highly recommend the Fastalign 5110 meter to any installer. Thanks for your customer service and the attention you payed to me over the phone. K. M. Tennessee

That email is just one of the many satisfied customers that has purchased the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro meter from our website.
I do need to say a couple things about the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro and that is this meter is very compact, in fact it fits in my coat pocket. I do love the feature the meter has to use in conjunction with the receiver to power the meter. You see I used the meter 3 days without charging and I forgot to charge it overnight, so the series feature saved my neck.
Did I mention this meter is very fast, it locks in on the signal even if you scan the azimuth quickly.
Learn more about the Lexuim meters at: “Lexium FastAlign® 5110Pro satellite finder meter”