Category Archives: internet marketing software

This The Software That I Use To Market My Websites

99% of Marketers FAIL To Rank In The Search Engines
Because They Violate One Or More of The

4 UNBREAKABLE Golden Rules of SEO… Do You Know What They Are?

Look you break just one of these rules, and all the time, effort, money, blood sweat and tears that you’ve poured into your project, might as well have been poured down the toilet.

That’s why I am going to show you what these 4 golden rules are, and we’re going to tell you about the software that I use called Market Samurai…

…Market Samurai has helped me find those gold nugget opportunities that exist in the marketplace. Plus it’s going to help you avoid dead end projects before you even begin. That has been so helpful to me I can’t even begin to describe it to you.

To discover these four Golden Rules for yourself, Just follow this link by Clicking Here

Over the next few days you’ll also discover:
  • How to increase your traffic by over 900%
  • How to avoid the common keyword trap that can ruin all your hard work – without you even realising
  • The ONE key indicator to uncover the relevancy of your keywords
  • How to greatly reduce people leaving your site because they don’t find what they’re looking for
  • How to filter out the useless keywords guaranteed to cost you time and money
  • The Truth about Keywords: Why 90% of all keywords have low levels of traffic, and what this means for your business
  • The One Big Mistake in most Keyword Research and SEO tools that causes marketers to fail (Getting no traffic, even IF they get #1 Google rankings!)
  • How much traffic you’ll get to your web-site from a keyword, before you begin
  • Advanced strategies for finding relevant, high-traffic, high-quality keywords in your market
  • The two vital ingredients that mean front-page rankings, in days or weeks – instead of months or years – and how to check for these 2 factors in just 5 minutes
  • How to determine exactly what SEO activities you need to do (and what to avoid) to beat the top-ranked competitors in your industry
  • Real examples of market niches with massive traffic levels… but almost ZERO commercial value (keyword “land mines” to be avoided at any cost!)
  • The TINY differences in keyword wording that can mean the difference between big success, and failure
  • The one key indicator to uncover the value of a keyword market in 10 seconds – before you even target the keyword
  • How to take an idea and filter it down to reveal gold nugget keywords that form the foundation for your online business in under 10 minutes
  • A proven way to structure your website that search engines love
  • A Simple process that you can use, today, tomorrow, and the day after