Author Archives: admin

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Offering researched articles for Health, technology and Christian entertainment.

High Gain FTA LNBF’s

Technology is rapidly changing now days and in the communications department faster than ever here in North America.  I especially like to see the changes that have taken place with LNBF’s (Low Noise Block down-converter with integrated feed) What does an LNBF do? Well it amplifies received signals and converts them from microwaves to lower L-band frequency signals which are then sent along a the coax cable to the satellite TV receiver. An LNB can be either single or double or even have 4 outputs.   Example if you decide that you want two TV’s with a satellite receiver a double LNB is required allowing the viewing of different channels on other televisions.  As a provider of Free To Air satellite equipment to installers, hobbyists and professional satellite providers we are constantly looking for better equipment.  Things that we look for are of course quality, performance and WARRANTY.  I judge a company by two things, service and warranty.  If the quality is there then I have a good match for providing my customers with the same.

I am going to introduce to you the Standard ESX-521 LNBF great for KU band and FTA satellite dishes.

The ESX-521 LNBF is HD ready and packs a gain of 70 db’s of gain and low noise of .2 db’s, well take a look at the specs.

High Gain LNBF

To purchase your ESX-521 LNBF please visit our website at:


Medidor Para Satelite Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro

Buenas hoy quiero hablar del medidor digital Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro para alinear antenas de satélite. Este medidor me ha convencido mucho por lo rápido y tan preciso que es.  De todos los Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro que hemos vendido solo menciones positivas hemos recibido.  Este medidor tiene es muy fácil de usar y mantener, no requiere cambiarle baterías porque son recargables.  Otra cosa que es fantástico es esta función: si se te olvido cargar las baterías tu puedes usar el receptor de satélite para darle poder al medidor y al lnb.  Esta opción me a salvado tiempo y plata.  Claro todos los satélites en órbita están programados en el medidor y puedes programar tu propia lista con frecuencias que vas a utilizar todo el tiempo.  También producimos un video para demostrar el medidor y lo puedes encontrar en nuestro canal de Youtube.   Para facilitar mejor operación del medidor Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro tenemos software para programar el medidor con tu computadora.  Si quieres obtener tu medidor digital FastAlign 5110Pro para alinear sistemas de satélite por favor visten nuestra página de red aquí.

Si quieres compra el medidor aqui lo puedes comprar por medio de nuestro secure shopping cart.

Price: $ 179.95 Quantity:

Lexium fastalign 5110Pro

Lexium DBS 6600 digital satellite receiver

There is a new kid in the block. The Lexium DBS 6600 digital satellite receiver is defiantly packed full of features in one small receiver case.  I have introduced the Lexium DBS 6600 digital satellite receiver in our satellite package called the ” Sharing Package”  Full of features without the price, only $139.99 plus shipping.  The free to air satellite equipment market features all kinds of equipment, however non that can be used for RVers.  This satellite package can be had with a 30 dish for easy travels.  I use one and I love getting my favorite channels on the road, but the best part is that there are no monthly fees or contracts.

This receiver comes with all the great performance as the Lexium DBS 7000. However, it does not have the HDMI port and the front digital read out. Both receivers display the channel information on the screen, the front display is not a big deal and both receivers use the same info page for aligning the dish and they both have a fantastic picture. The Lexium DBS 6600 digital satellite receiver is however smaller and it fits just about anywhere.  The Lexium DBS 6600 digital satellite receiver comes with the same remote control as the 7000 model and of course the receiver is jammed packed  with features.  See this receiver at:

FTA equipment and receivers

Lexium dbs 6600

Back view


Which Satellite Meter Should I Purchase.

I always get this question asked: Will a satellite meter make my job easier?  I always reply why of course it will, free to air satellite installers and subscription installers use meters because it speeds up the satellite scan and installation procedure.  Then, I explain the whole procedure and show them my video that is on our Youtube channel. What is the next question?  Which meter should I buy?  I have used many expensive and elaborate type of meters and they all work great.  Some are better than others of course and some easy to use and other are very complicated.  But I have narrowed my research to 2 meters.  One meter gives a video display on the screen of what is on the satellites transponder and frequency and the other has all the standard feature as any professional meter.  In fact this meter is a professional meter, but with out the high cost as all the other and has 2 times the warranty. What meter am I talking about?  The meter that I am talking about is the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro digital satellite finder.  I have learn to love the functionality of this meter, for the size and its powerful performance.  The Lexium FastAlign 5110Probatteries last a long time on a single charge and it now has a longer stand-by shelf time.  I can monitor the signal intensity, signal quality, dbmv, Carrier to noise, etc.  Plus a very nice feature that is designed right into the all the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro meters is the satellite location in its arch.  You enter your lat and log and at the top of the meter it will calculate your Azimuth, Elevation and Skew.

I can go on and on, but to talk is cheep and seeing is believing.  So, check out this meter in action pay us visit at: Ideal Satellite Services

Look below for pictures, video and option to buy.

Lexium FastAlign 5110

Professional satellite finder

Price: $ 139.99



Lexium FastAlign 5110

No Time For A Bible Study

Why Satellite Evangelism? People don’t have the time anymore for bible studies, at least is what the say. However, they watch TV for 6 hours per day or more. Giving a satellite system to a family member a friend or a neighbor will put God’s message in their homes 24/7. Their entire family will benefit from Christ centered programming, it will even save them money.  There are NO monthly fees with our Satellite Evangelismpackage. They can disconnect their other TV satellite services or cable programming, which can save them at least $300 per year.  Satellite Evangelism is all about helping and giving hope.  Learn how you can help someone today, visit us at:

The Sharing Package for only $139.99 + shipping.

The "Sharing Package"

If you would like to place an order to share a “Sharing Package” with someone, you can use our secure shopping cart today.

The Sharing Package Is Priced At Only: $ 139.99



Rating the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro

Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro is being used to train installers for about 4 months now with great success and not to mention how much the installers love its simplicity.  I’m very pleased with all the Lexium products so far.  I especially like the warranty (2 years) and the companies willingness to please.

We offer the  Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro on our website at very competitive prices and we have many satisfied customers using our meters. Here is an email from a satisfied customer:

To Ideal Satellite, I purchase the Fastalign 5110 from you guys, and I am very happy with my decision to purchase for you. By the way your video is awesome. I used your video to set up my meter and it made my Galaxy 19 install go very smoothly. Yes! the meter perform amazingly fast, I was amazed as to how fast I locked Galaxy 19 in. I highly recommend the Fastalign 5110 meter to any installer. Thanks for your customer service and the attention you payed to me over the phone. K. M. Tennessee

That email is just one of the many satisfied customers that has purchased the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro meter from our website.
I do need to say a couple things about the Lexium FastAlign 5110Pro and that is this meter is very compact, in fact it fits in my coat pocket. I do love the feature the meter has to use in conjunction with the receiver to power the meter. You see I used the meter 3 days without charging and I forgot to charge it overnight, so the series feature saved my neck.
Did I mention this meter is very fast, it locks in on the signal even if you scan the azimuth quickly.
Learn more about the Lexuim meters at: “Lexium FastAlign® 5110Pro satellite finder meter”

3ABN Proclaim Moved.

3ABN Proclaim has moved transponders. What does this mean to you? Well, you do not need to realign your dish at all, you just need to reprogram your receiver for 3ABN Proclaim once again. 3ABN Proclaim use to be on transponder 11842 Galaxy 19-97W, but now it is on transponder 12060 Galaxy 19-97W. Let me show you how to reprogram 3ABN Proclaim on your Lexium DBS 7000 using our step by step video. Click on the link>  Programming 3ABN Proclaim back on your receiver. Or watch the video below.

Testing the Lexium FastAlign 7100Pro

This post is past due and for you readers that have asked for more information on the Lexium FastAlign 7100Pro well here you are.  We took the Lexium FastAlign 7100Proand put it to the test.  We shot a video showing what is in the Lexium FastAlign 7100Pro box, how to set it up and most important how it performs.

Take a look at the Lexium FastAlign 7100Pro at work, a video is worth a 1000 words.

Lexium FastAlign 7100Pro

Price: $ 219.00 Quantity:


What is the best FTA satellite finder?

During the first part of December I had a repair in Montana that several FTA installers could not repair.  It was hard to understand but it happens. When I arrived to my destination 2 ½ hours later I started on the job right away.  When no one can figure it out, I generally get called out to fix the problems.  (It reminds me of on pure guy worked 3 days and could not align the customers dish, I when over and in less than 10 minutes we had signal.) For repairs it’s a matter of always starting from the TV set and working your way back, so I did.  I pulled out my Trimax SM-3500 and plugged in my meter to the line coming for the satellite dish.  I had already inspected the LNB’s frequency and so I set up my meter to G-19 and selected the lnb frequency.  My meter detected NO SIGNAL so, off I went directly to the ground block.  The ground block relieved that the gardener had wiped out the connection and had stuck the cable back into the fitting.  I cut out all the damaged cable and spliced the RG-6, put in a fresh ground block and plugged in my Trimax SM3500 meter.  Bingo, signal was back.  I exited out of my scan mode to the video monitoring to view the quality of the picture.  I love this feature because while viewing the picture quality I can hit the F2 key and simultaneously monitor signal and quality plus C/N levels.  I did notice that the quality was down a bit.  So, to the dish to re-align the signal quality I went.  I plugged in the Trimax SM-3500 to the LNB and in minutes I had C/N up to 11.5, 96 dbmv’s and 68% quality.  It was a very cloudy day with snow in the forecast, so I was satisfied with the levels the 3abn dish could get.  I really enjoy my Trimax sm -3500 meter.  It has made my job easier and always a profitable venture. A man is only as good as his knowledge the good Lord provides and works for and his equipment, wouldn’t you say?

Provided to you by Ideal Satellite

So, if you like what you see order your meter via our secure shopping cart using your credit card today.

Price: $ 357.95 Quantity:


The Gift That Keeps On Giving


Satellite Evangelism and the holidays go hand in hand.  I’m always looking to give a gift that brings people back to the reason for the season.

Material things lose their appeal and soon become forgotten in the garage.  Literature evangelism is awesome during the holidays, but I find that a lot people don’t have time to read anymore.  So, why not reach them where they are already.  People come home from work and turn on the TV and sit down to rest.  Students arrive from school and the first thing they do is turn on the TV.  They watch hours of TV instead of reading or doing home work.

I like to give the gift that keeps on giving 24/7, 365 days per year.   It cost them nothing per month and their families enjoy hours of Adventist television programming such as children’s programs, sermons, health shows, Bible study programs and much much more.  We know that our family and friends are not often open to hearing the Gospel from us one on one, but a satellite system can speak volumes.  I have never seen a person argue with a TV on a topic they don’t agree with.  They sit there and ingest the information and then try to prove it wrong.

So this holiday season think about giving a satellite system to your friends and family – the gift that keeps on giving.

See our website for more information on the low-priced systems.

Satellite Evangelism and the holidays go hand in hand.  I’m always looking to give a gift that brings people back to the reason for the season.

Material things lose their appeal and soon become forgotten in the garage.  Literature evangelism is awesome during the holidays, but I find that a lot people don’t have time to read anymore.  So, why not reach them where they are already.  People come home from work and turn on the TV and sit down to rest.  Students arrive from school and the first thing they do is turn on the TV.  They watch hours of TV instead of reading or doing home work.

I like to give the gift that keeps on giving 24/7, 365 days per year.   It cost them nothing per month and their families enjoy hours of Adventist television programming such as children’s programs, sermons, health shows, Bible study programs and much much more.  We know that our family and friends are not often open to hearing the Gospel from us one on one, but a satellite system can speak volumes.  I have never seen a person argue with a TV on a topic they don’t agree with.  They sit there and ingest the information and then try to prove it wrong.

So this holiday season think about giving a satellite system to your friends and family – the gift that keeps on giving.

To order you gift go to: