Author Archives: admin

About admin

Offering researched articles for Health, technology and Christian entertainment.

How to Rip Muscle Without Long Hours At The Gym.

You might relate with me on this matter, guys for over a year I have worked hard on building more muscle tone and a better-looking set of abs without success.  Although my endurance is excellent my muscle tone is definitely a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10.  There is a pound of fat around my belt line that I want to lose.  Yeap,  I’ve dreamed of a toned physique or to get Ripped Muscle as they say.   I tried all kinds of methods, programs and I purchase a gym that I truly enjoy 6 days per week.  I work out about 45 minutes per day and you think that I would have ripped my abs in a year.  Of course, I did gain some muscle tone that my wife truly likes and I do as well, however, I knew that I could do better.  In the quest of some Ripped Muscle, I continued the research, I learned about an element called “Leptin” That research lead me to another program that had great ratings and great testimonials.  So, I purchased the program and after following the program to the letter, results came fast.  I’m enjoying more bulk and less fat, better drive, and a clearer mind.  Not to mention that my wife finds me even more attractive now more than ever. 😉

So, here is the deal body. I will share my long hours of research to help you get some Ripped Muscle tone of your own.   Click here to visit my secret and see if this is for you.  I’m a pretty health-conscious person to begin with, so I will not put my body in harm’s way.  Nor would I recommend something that doesn’t work.  What do you have to lose?  I know your time is valuable, believe me, this program is worth your time.

What are you waiting for?

Did I mention that I am 61 years old?
Today, I have more endurance and a better outlook on life. So, What are you waiting for?  Go get your Adonis program Now! Click Here

3 week into my plan and I have a wider back. Less back pain too.

3 weeks into my plan and I have a wider back. Less back pain too.

Christian Satellite TV Provider

Build Muscle the safe way.  Click here

What is a “Christian Satellite TV Provider“?  Well very simple really, it is an organization or a business that provides to the public Christian channels in a package form, like the big satellite providers that charge big money for a package.  But that’s where the similarity ends.  they charge for their packages and we don’t.  Ideal Satellite Services offers 68 Christian TV channels and radio stations with NO monthly fees, NO contracts and NO credit checks. Ideal Satellite Services is a Christian Satellite TV Provider that continues to offer state-of-the-art satellite equipment with the highest gain available in the market today.  In fact the LNBF that is offered with our package puts out 70 to 75 dbs of gain (amplification) and our receivers offer HDMI output, video output and channel 3 or 4 outputs for use with any television.  The HDMI feature is awesome because you can use our receiver like a DVR by simply plugging it into your computer that has HDMI input, setting up Windows Media Player and recording your favority programs unto your hard drive.  You can also use your video editing software to make DVD’s of your favorite programs to share.

We are the first Christian Satellite TV Provider  to pioneer the FREE online video customer services program.  We offer free video support for most every item that we sell online.  We show you how to assemble your satellite dish, how to install your dish with step-by-step instructions. By the way, all our equipment holds a 2 year warranty instead of only a 1 year warranty like the other providers.

Visit our website today and save on a one-room package for only $195.00 plus shipping

Click here:


Christian Satellite TV

************Start building muscle in weeks, safe and healthy. Click here  ****************

 Taking control of your television is my main theme for this article.  I have not found very many programs on cable or satellite subscription services that are worth sitting down with the family to watch, without being offended in the first 5 minutes of the program. Have you?  I used to watch TV for more than 6 hours per week and could tolerate it, but with the vulgarity and violence escalating, I can’t bare to watch it anymore. It is fortunate that our televisions have the on and off switch, so I could turn the garbage off. 

I have to share with you the final outcome for me and my family in regards to having wholesome family entertainment.  I completely turned all my television OFF.  However, I did find a good alternative for my viewing pleasure and personal development.  I discovered Ideal Satellite System.  The best part about Ideal Satellite Services is that you will not have to pay any monthly subscription fees… I love it.  Next is that we get to pick from a total of about 70 channels and radio stations.  The Ideal Satellite System is a fun project for the family to install.  In fact you can see a video on the installation process on Youtube   If you enjoy Christian programs that the whole family can watch and enjoy, then the Ideal satellite system is for you.  You ask, well if there is no monthly fee, how much will the system cost? Click here    You can’t beat it! One time fee for the equipment, which is yours (no contracts), that simple.

So, take control of your television and check out Ideal Satellite System / ChristianDish for your home.  Visit ChristianDish 

Ideal Satellite Dish

Christian Television

Digital Video Recorder ready satellite receiver, with MPEG-4 technology.

Save on our satellite package.

Save on our satellite package.


Leptin The Weight Loss Hormone

This last week I spent a lot of time learning and researching the most effective way to lose weight.  I found all kinds of fad diets, programs and concepts that lead no where. I have many friends that have not benefited from cardiovascular exercises, weight training, diet, etc.  I couldn’t figure it out, all that worked for me just fine and I’m 54 years old.  I also looked at all the research conducted my many universities regarding the physiology of weight gain and health research organizations that revealed a very interesting fact as to why some gain weight more than others.  Yes! diet plays a very important roll in the matter.  You see the myth is if you cut back calories you loose weight.  Well here is the fact and much research is available on Google for you to read about proper weight loss, but the fact is that your body will go into starvation mode.  That’s right you are going to store up fat instead of loosing fat.  You see your body detects the loss of nutrition, therefore it will store fat to prevent from starving and the cycle begins. What we eat plays a big factor in the matter, GMO grown produce will affect your fat storing process as well.  Foods like Corn, soy bean, soy products are highly genetically modified.  GMO Soy Bean & Process Food
So, HOW do you loose weight? Here is the reason we loss weight.  There is a hormone that your body produces called Leptin.  That’s right, Leptin is the reason we loose weight and the cool thing is that women can loose fat twice as fast a man can.  Especially in the vital areas that women want to loose that cottage cheesy fatty stuff you know where.

Loose fat in the vital areas.

Loose fat in the vital areas.

Man can greatly benefit from properly controlling their Leptin levels as well.

There is something that you must know about the hormone Leptin, you can activate the hormone to work properly for you. It’s easy with the program that we discovered, the chances are if you haven’t been able to loose the pounds you are Leptin resistant.  Great news for women, a woman can burn fat twice as fast as men, but they can also store fat twice as fast because of the improper foods and wrong exercises. All the research that we have read has indicated that eating organic foods, no-processed foods, nuts, avocados, black been can help your Leptin production increase.  Here’s a cool discovery, if you eat a high carbohydrate diet for a day or two you can help you’re body increase your Leptin levels (How cool is that).  I bet you didn’t know that.

Well all my research opened a can of worms that you can’t imagine.  I started all this to help my wife and of course myself.  I found tons of programs, pills and they all claim to have the answer to help you level out your leptin hormone. So, once I discovered the problem I focused on the solution. I looked to the experts for advice and finally after hours and hours of research found the program that addressed all the factors that I learned about.  Again and again I run into family and friends with weight issues, they all need help!  For this reason I am publishing my discoveries in the hopes to help others loose their weight.

So, here is the program that we are using ourselves.  We took advantage of this program and I hope that you will too.  The program is complete, but I would recommend that you take advantage of the other offers, start fresh!  Again, take a look at it, it might be for you!  Click here to watch the entire program and the special offer.  Time is limited, the special offer wont be there for long.

5 Awesome ways to kill cellulite.

5 Critical Keys to Kill Your Cellulite

One of our contributing experts recently put together a kick-butt article that is the “Do This – and DON’T Do That” rule-book when it comes to getting rid of unsightly cellulite dimples, shadows and ripples. It’s a quick read with some eye-opening tips and a helpful video that you’ll want to see while it’s still up.


-contributed by – Joey Atlas, Womens’ Body Enhancement Specialist — M.S., Exercise Physiology

“Ask any woman on the street what the definition of “cellulite” is and you’ll get a confused variety of answers. From “toxic fat pockets caught in the skin” to “bands of fiber pulling down on the skin” and many odd things in between…”

no more cellulite orange bikini

The truth is: most people really don’t know what “cellulite” actually is, or, what causes this odd appearance of the lower body trouble zones…”

This is no surprise as there actually is no such thing as ‘cellulite’… So how do we get rid of something which doesn’t exist?”

Here’s the answer:

“The word, “cellulite”, was cleverly made-up several decades ago, in a European beauty-spa, to DESCRIBE the bumpy, shadowy and dimpled appearance of skin in the lower body trouble zones of the female body. (butt, hips, thighs, legs)”

The beauty spas then started cashing-in and profiting big-time by marketing “beauty” services and products to get rid of “cellulite”. And if you’re like most women who’ve been challenged by this issue, then you probably already know all of those passive and superficial beauty treatments do not get rid of the dented shadows and mushy dimples on your buns, legs and thighs.”

In order to make your lower-body smooth, tight and attractive, there are 5 steps to follow.

Here they are:

5 Critical Keys to KILL Your Cellulite – Or Watch Our Free Presentation Right Now Click Here

1: You cannot get rid of the dimples and shadows (cellulite) by rubbing an odd gel, weird lotion or goopy cream on your trouble zones and problem spots.

So, stop using them – as some can actually make your cellulite worse.

Despite the fact that there are dozens of supposed ‘cellulite reduction creams’ on the market, there is no possible way for any one of them, no matter how expensive, to get rid of your cellulite. Cellulite is not a skin problem. Its an underlying structural issue, that can only be corrected by reversing the cause of atrophied muscle fibers directly beneath your “cellulite” trouble spots.”

Since the squishy dimples and shadows are a superficial symptom of a problem below the surface; it’s impossible for the creams, lotions or gels to have any physiological impact on the cause of the issue…”

2: Risky and expensive ‘medi-spa treatments’ can only reduce your bank account – not your cellulite problems. And there are many consumer reports about women being seriously scarred or injured as well.

Stay away from these as the FDA reports show women who’ve been scarred or injured for life.

Painful, dangerous and uncomfortable services ranging from endermologie to body-wrapping have been proven to be totally ineffective when it comes to treating cellulite. However, advertising and marketing loopholes allow these services to be cleverly marketed to desperate women who are at wits end with the unattractive dimples and shadows on the lower-body problem areas.”

3: The unattractive dimples, shadows and saggy ripples known as cellulite are not ‘genetic’ and you are NOT stuck with them forever if you have them.

Falsely believing this will prevent you from getting rid of your cellulite. So, don’t entertain this nonsense for 1 second.

These two ridiculous myths are often passed around by ‘neighborhood know-it-alls’ – and many women actually believe these 2 myths – especially if they haven’t found the right way to get rid of the cellulite. Whats even more alarming are the number of doctors who also believe in and foster these 2 demoralizing falsehoods.

Yes – it is common to see a mother and daughter, both with the lower-body “orange peel” look, BUT this doesn’t mean cellulite is genetic – it simply means both women have not found a way to lift, tone and firm the muscle layers under the dimpled, saggy skin.”

4: You can get rid of cellulite, regardless of your age – or when you began to notice it.

Since cellulite is a structural issue (muscle) – it can be fixed with simple and unique body movements which target the cellulite areas.”

These types of moves can be followed by any woman, regardless of her age or fitness level. And it doesn’t matter if the cellulite started in the early teen years – or after pregnancy – or after menopause – it’s still a structural issue that results from soft, un-toned muscles underneath the saggy, dimpled, shadowy skin.”

5: The only proven way to permanently get rid of the dimples and shadows of cellulite is through a series of simple, yet specifically targeted lower-body movements

These unique movements focus on lifting, shaping and toning the muscle layers so they gently push outward against the skin – to bring back the smooth, tight and sexy appearance, while burning off any excess flab, if there is any.”

This is how regular women reverse the cause of cellulite dimples and shadows… AND, if there happens to be any excess fat in those zones – it will be burned off as fuel by the muscles. This bonus of losing any unhealthy excess body-fat is nice because it reveals a great body and it works wonders for your health profile.

BUT you won’t learn about these unique slow-tempo movements in the gym or your local health club.”  Learn about it HERE

These body movements are NOT done with typical weights and machine type exercises.” “Most regular fitness instructors don’t even know about this type of targeted cellulite-killing method.

These muscle-stimulating movements can be done right at home, in total privacy.

The female lower-body has over 90 muscles…

Picture those 90 muscles BENEATH your skin’s surface in your legs, butt, hips and thigh zones. That’s where the magic happens in regards to true removal of mushy dimples and saggy shadows in the trouble spots and problem areas…

Despite what most women have been led to believe, there is a critical difference between a ‘general workout program’ – and a laser-focused, cellulite removal method. The sweetest benefit of this is; you don’t need access to a health club or fitness center.” …”Just click PLAY on this video by Joey Atlas, (M.S., Ex.Phys.) and get it started now:” (it opens in a bigger screen so you don’t miss a thing) Click here now!

These are simple, unique moves you can start doing today, right in the privacy of your own home. And if you start this type of targeted muscle stimulation method today – you will start feeling results within 2 weeks and seeing results within 3 to 4 weeks.

To see the 90 muscles in your lower-body and

how you can reverse the cause of the bumps,

shadows and dimples in your trouble zones and

problem spots, just sign up to our e-news for direct access to this amazing program today.

If you are not convinced yet then watch this 100% FREE presentation by clicking here

EXTRA TIP – # 6: The Dimples, Ripples and Shadows of Cellulite Get Worse if They Are Not Taken Care of Properly. And the worse it gets, the harder it is to reverse.

So, sign up today and get instant access to this amazing program you will not be wasting your time.  Avoid further frustration, disgust and anger. It’s your body so just do the right thing for it.

SatHero SH-500G Satellite Meter with GPS

The SatHero SH-500G packs a lot of bang for the buck when it comes to high tech satellite meters. With its huge 7 inch full color screen, Fast Sweep technology and GPS finding, this meter makes satellite finding and dish aligning a snap.  I was skeptical at first when we tested this meter and after hours of rigorous testing in the field and on the bench tests, we found this meter to be one of the best satellite finders that we have tested so far. It might not feel as solid as others because of its plastic case, but it does the job at an affordable price.  We only produce videos for equipment that we like.  Check it out below and don’t forget to see all the features below the video.


Check out its many Features:
DVB-S/S2 signal read (only)
DVB-S video
Fast Sweep Technology
Works world wide
Available Languages: English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Portuguese, Italian, Lithuanian, Greek, Czech, Russian, Finnish, Arabic
Tests the cable
Input Frequency 950~2150MHz
Input Level -65 ~ -25dBm
Input Impedance 75Ω
Auto Scan, Blind Scan and TP Scan
Shows power and NIT value
13/18V indicator lights
22K indicator light
Motor controls
LOCK light
LOCK tone
GPS quickly finds your Latitude and Longitude
Azimuth and Elevation Angle Calculator that uses GPS
Power, C/N, BER readings
Shows FEC
ALL settings can be entered on the fly
Audio / Video inputs
Audio / Video outputs
Can be used for aligning security cameras
USB software upgrade cable included
Removable battery design
High-capacity lithium battery
SatHero SH-500G Multi-functional Meter
Multi-purpose design
Easy operation OSD design
Quick satellite signal finding
Program play~video monitoring
Rapid satellite cable and LNB detection
Quick satellite antenna installation
Built-in GPS to locate longitude and latitude quickly
Automatically calculate angle of azimuth~elevation and polarization by GPS
Analogue satellite position display
Check this out the SatHero SH-500G is compatible with DVB-S~DVB-S2~CBS MPEG-4~ABS-SDirecTV DSS~Dish  Network/Bell TV     Turbo 8psk
7 Inch HD TFT LCD screen(16:9)
Global satellite data preset
Satellite parameters editable
Support DISEqC1.0~DISEqC1.1
Easy operation DISEqC1.2~USALS OSD design
Multiple satellites/TPs scan/blind scan and NIT scan
Display POWER~BER~FEC~C/N~NIT value
Sound prompt when signal locked
Signal locked indicating light
13/18 volts indicating lights
22KHz indicating light
22KHz switches automatically
dBuV and dBm optional
LCD backlight turns off automatically
LNB short-circuit protection and warning
Mini USB interface for software upgrade
Audio and video input/output
Global AC power charger included
Remote control included
Meter support included
Upgrade cable and AV cable included
Removable battery design
High capacity LI-ION battery(2550mA), can last around 2.5 hours
Length x width x height: 21 x 12.5 x 3.5 cm
Weight: 0.58Kg
Gross weight: 1.28Kg

Our Sathero SH 500G Includes:
1 SH-500G
1 Li-ion battery
2 F-81 (barrel connectors)
1 Carry case
1 Neck strap
1 Remote control
1 A/V cable
1 AC universal power supply
1 power cord (US or European option)


Safe Range Electromagnetic Field Meter

Electromagnetic field meter

Safeguard your home or office from harmful electromagnetic field radiation.

Does it make you sick to your stomach to know that your home or appliances could be making your whole family sick!

If so, then I know exactly how you feel.

There’s nothing worse than a family with terrible health issues.

As you know this leads to high doctor bills and feeling helpless.

Until recently science revealed that our health is highly impacted by Electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation has been linked to Leukemia in children, cancer lumps, clusters and cancer of the breast.

The BIG problem is the most of us are victims to our modern conveniences and find ourselves unaware of the dangers associated with our innocent looking appliances.

That’s why today, I’m delighted to share with you my latest solution to help you prevent electromagnetic radiation in your home – Our Electromagnetic field meter will identify dangerous levels.

My name is Max and for the last 5 years I’ve personally have been using the EMF meter in our home, office and travels.

As the name suggests, Electromagnetic field meter allows you to protect your family with ease.

What makes the Electromagnetic field meter different to all the other EMF meters out there is how simple this meter is to operate.

Let me show you exactly how our Electromagnetic field meter works – Take the meter out of the box, press the button on top of the handle and point the meter near any appliance. The meter will begin to display with its bright LED’s the level on the scale from safe to dangerous.  Any person can operate this meter with ease.

PLUS the Electromagnetic field meter is small and easy to carry with you in your computer bag, purse, glove compartment and take it with you when you travel. I have cleaned relatives homes from dangerous EMF levels while visiting.

Here’s what people are saying about the Electromagnetic field meter:
I was dumb founded when I tested our home, I could not believe how much EMF pollution my family was subjected too.  We took our meter and tested new appliances that were safe to replace the old junk. I also programmed my WIFI router to go off at night when we go to bed. Thanks for the heads up and the EMF meter. San Diego, CA

My Apt is very small, I’m so glad that I purchased the EMF meter from you.  I cleaned up my Apt from EMF and I know how much distance to keep away from my electric stove when I cook. N.Y. N.Y.

I use my EMF meter every where I go now.  I love the peace of mind that I get.
P.S. I’ve notice that I sleep better now that I unplug my router.  Chicago, IL

By now you’re probably wondering how much Electromagnetic field meter is going to be.

Especially when you consider that Electromagnetic field meters can cost hundreds of dollars.

But I know that a lot of people who are struggling with finances simply can’t afford the other EMF meters higher prices, which is why I offer the affordable and easy to operate Electromagnetic field meter.

For a strictly limited time while stocks last, you can get your own Electromagnetic field meter for just $76.90 (includes shipping anywhere in the USA).

So if you want to have a safe home and protect your family from the dangers of Electromagnetic radiation, just click the “Add To Cart” button below this video.

And you’ll be glad to know that Electromagnetic field meter comes with my personal 100% Rock Solid, money back guarantee.

If you don’t LOVE the easy to use Electromagnetic field meter, for whatever reason, then I actually don’t want to keep your money.

All you have to do is return the Electromagnetic field meter in the original box and instructions to us. Shipping cost is not refundable.

Don’t you think you’ve struggled with unidentified health problems long enough?

The good news is that you can soon clean up your home from the dangers of EMF radiation in just a few days. Click on the link below and order you Electromagnetic field meter now!

Imagine with me for a moment: Your home free from hazardous high levels of electromagnetic radiation.

That’s what I want for you, and I know it’s what you want for yourself, so grab your copy of Electromagnetic field meter now and let’s get you started today!

Buy your electromagnetic field meter today!

Buy your electromagnetic field meter today!


2011 has been a blessed year and we have the Good Lord to thank for that.  We welcomed many new customers to our family at Ideal Satellite Services in 2011 and I am sure many more in 2012.  One of the blessings that God provided us with was SpiritCast.US a new website to help reach more people with FTA and Christian satellite systems. SpiritCast.US offers its receivers pre-programmed with 58 Christian Channels or if you choose no channels at all.  Our receivers can perform a blind scan to locate and install all the channels available on the satellite that you align your dish to. To learn more about SpiritCast.US and the many systems that we offer visit our new domain at:

This The Software That I Use To Market My Websites

99% of Marketers FAIL To Rank In The Search Engines
Because They Violate One Or More of The

4 UNBREAKABLE Golden Rules of SEO… Do You Know What They Are?

Look you break just one of these rules, and all the time, effort, money, blood sweat and tears that you’ve poured into your project, might as well have been poured down the toilet.

That’s why I am going to show you what these 4 golden rules are, and we’re going to tell you about the software that I use called Market Samurai…

…Market Samurai has helped me find those gold nugget opportunities that exist in the marketplace. Plus it’s going to help you avoid dead end projects before you even begin. That has been so helpful to me I can’t even begin to describe it to you.

To discover these four Golden Rules for yourself, Just follow this link by Clicking Here

Over the next few days you’ll also discover:
  • How to increase your traffic by over 900%
  • How to avoid the common keyword trap that can ruin all your hard work – without you even realising
  • The ONE key indicator to uncover the relevancy of your keywords
  • How to greatly reduce people leaving your site because they don’t find what they’re looking for
  • How to filter out the useless keywords guaranteed to cost you time and money
  • The Truth about Keywords: Why 90% of all keywords have low levels of traffic, and what this means for your business
  • The One Big Mistake in most Keyword Research and SEO tools that causes marketers to fail (Getting no traffic, even IF they get #1 Google rankings!)
  • How much traffic you’ll get to your web-site from a keyword, before you begin
  • Advanced strategies for finding relevant, high-traffic, high-quality keywords in your market
  • The two vital ingredients that mean front-page rankings, in days or weeks – instead of months or years – and how to check for these 2 factors in just 5 minutes
  • How to determine exactly what SEO activities you need to do (and what to avoid) to beat the top-ranked competitors in your industry
  • Real examples of market niches with massive traffic levels… but almost ZERO commercial value (keyword “land mines” to be avoided at any cost!)
  • The TINY differences in keyword wording that can mean the difference between big success, and failure
  • The one key indicator to uncover the value of a keyword market in 10 seconds – before you even target the keyword
  • How to take an idea and filter it down to reveal gold nugget keywords that form the foundation for your online business in under 10 minutes
  • A proven way to structure your website that search engines love
  • A Simple process that you can use, today, tomorrow, and the day after

How to assemble the Azure Shine 36″ satellite antenna.

Christian Television At Its Best.

Christian Television At Its Best.

We have produced another video to provide better customer service for our customers. Here at Ideal Satellite Services, and are committed to providing the best customer experience that we can possible offer.  Our customers love our product and service, so we go a step beyond in producing videos. That gives our customers the next level of service.  If you’re not the type that likes to follow manuals then the “How to assemble the Azure Shine 36″ satellite antenna” will be up your alley.

Its no secret that assembling anything takes knowledge and the right tools. In the “How to assemble the Azure Shine 36″ satellite antenna” video we show you the tools needed and the proper procedure to assembling your dish.

Our videos have helped thousands with their projects and we hope that “How to assemble the Azure Shine 36″ satellite antenna” will be a hit with our viewers as well.

Visit us at: